Please support us in bringing activist and protagonist Lupita (Guadalupe Vazquéz Luna) and co-producer Lalo (Eduardo Gutiérrez Pérez) on an screening tour of our short documentary throughout their organization's communities in Chiapas, México.

Las Abejas de Acteal  was formed in defense of indigenous life, autonomy and human rights with the principles of non violence in 1992. We are paring this outreach tour with the organization’s funding needs to visit their more distant communities at the end of this year or beginning of 2021. Our whole team needs your support in bringing the film to where it can have the most impact -- a film is not finished until it gets to the communities it showcases, and three years after the first shoot, we're ready to share the film with a next generation of Maya Tsostil activists and mediamakers.

Along with the Abejas de Acteal communication team, we will use these visits to provide audiovisual workshops to the youth interested in the community. Many already practice community radio and photo documentation of events for social justice. More info in the GoFundMe and video below.